Thursday, September 11, 2014

Today's the day!

We started our drive across Texas on Tuesday. This was a sight to see as we were driving....
It's a long road ahead, but at least there's a light at the end. 

We arrived in Houston yesterday and we met with Dr. Brooke Jemelka. Husband and Mom absolutely loved and trusted her immediately. She went over all the information and prepped us with everything. My anxiety subsided some and peace has started to take over thankfully. 

I spent my day yesterday on a cleanse and fast to prepare for today. It wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. I just kept offering it back up to the victims, families, lives lost and mommies of 9/11. It was a small sacrifice but a sacrifice nonetheless. 

I woke up super early today in excitement for today. Well... Nervousness too but mostly excitement. Husband got a call from the front desk and a package had been delivered for me. 
 These sweet beads were overnighted by my best friend. They were given to her whenever she was in the hospital delivering her sweet baby. 
Her sweet baby is now almost 3. It was such a beautiful gift to have!

There has been a lot of pain, suffering, and sacrificing during this journey. Something I've learned along the way is that if our Lord chooses to fulfill our desire to conceive then we will be so blessed, but if not, this journey has been so spiritually healing and marriage strengthening. 

My husband didn't know what he signed up for but he has taken his job seriously and gracefully. It can't be easy having a wife be sick all of the time, but I am and we are fixing that. 

Well, just got called back... More later. 
St. Gerard, St. Magdalene de Pazzi, St. Raymond Nonnatus, Pope Paul VI, & Holy Family, pray for us! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Seven Quick Takes - Something Fun and New for a Great Day

I found out about this 7 Quick Takes thing from my blogger friend... The only one I ever talk about - I promise I have more than one friend - I just have 1 blogger friend. So here's mine for Friday:

 - 1 -
I went to Holy Mass and attended Holy Hour with a bunch of elderly people today and it was wonderful. They were so happy to have someone from a younger generation there and I absolutely loved it. I once read a book about a dying church and that quickly prompted my fear that our church would be a dying one because the majority of the congregation are elderly people. However, that's a secret goal of mine from now on: get the youth of our church more involved in whichever way possible!

 - 2 -
 After Holy Mass and Holy Hour I stayed for Adoration with a friend that I pray will become a close friend. She brought along her six children for their first time and they were so polite and quiet. It was precious! They only stayed for a little while for fear that her children would soon start to talk and after all it is adoration, but they came nonetheless and that's a start. I walked her out and we chatted for a bit. Then I went back inside and the elderly people that were still there came up to me to tell me how excited they were that my friend and her family were there! We all have a date for Mass, Holy Hour, and Adoration for next month. :) I'm pretty excited for that.

- 3 -
Life has gotten pretty hectic for me and my best friend and it has caused our phone calls to be few and far between. We talked tonight and it was yet another thing I needed today. I miss her terribly and  sometimes you just need a good long talk with your best friend.

- 4 - 
My surgery is six days away and after Adoration, I feel a little more peaceful about it. I plan on going to Confession soon - you know, in case anything happens. Everything is booked and planned and it looks like it's really happening! I'm thankful that my husband and mom are going to be there with me. It's such a blessing to have a wonderful support system.

- 5- 
My husband finally talked to his head boss about needing to hire more employees. He's been working 6 days a week for several months now and it's exhausting for him. He's been seriously stressed and over-worked. His boss was more than thankful for Aaron discussing his thoughts and ideas with him. It's good to have a boss that appreciates hard work and dedication.

- 6 -
This weekend we are in the process of helping our friends with 7 children fix up their new home. It's such a blessing to watch our church family grow in faith and numbers. Their number 7 is actually going to be our God-daughter and we are ecstatic about that. It's our first time being Godparents. Yay!

- 7 -
Last Sunday I witnessed the most beautiful miraculous event I've ever seen. I watched one of my best friends give birth to her seventh child (same friend from #6). I had never seen one and the fact that she was so open about me being in the birthing room was so incredible. It completely changed my fear of labor and deliver. I've always had this super anxious fear of what it would be like and sure there's pain and more pain, but the end result is just beautiful. It was beautiful to see her in that light and It started the week off on such a great note. :)
This was right after sweet Martha Ann was born.